Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao's Comment on Japanese Foreign Minister's Denial of Yasukuni Shrine's Glorifying Aggression History
2005-11-23 00:00

Q: It is reported that Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso recently alleged the Yusukan Museum "did not glorify the war and instead, only display the true picture of that time." What comment does the Chinese side on this?

A: We feel shocked at such remarks overtly made by him. The Yasukuni Shrine denies history and glorifies Japanese militarist aggression. The Yusukan Museum is its core facility to preach the so-called "Yasukuni view of history." This is a fact known to all. If he goes as far as to deny this fact, it demonstrates nothing but his lack of courage to face up to the past history in a correct way.

I wish to reiterate that Japan must genuinely realize the gravity and sensitivity of the Yasukuni Shrine issue and properly handle it with a rational and responsible attitude. This is the only correct choice for Japan to improve its relations with Asian neighboring countries and jointly create the future.

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