Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang's Comment on Japanese Foreign Minister's Remarks on China Threat
2005-12-23 00:00

Q: Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso alleged on 22nd of this month that China, as a country with a population of one billion and a nuclear arsenal, had increased its military expenditure by a double-digit margin for 17 straight years and the substance of the expenditure was far from transparent. China is looming as a threat to a considerable extent. What's China's comment?

A: China pursues the road of peaceful development. China's development has made worldly recognized contribution to the peace and stability of the region and the world and presented enormous opportunities for the development of Asian countries, including Japan. This is a fact obvious to all. It is extremely irresponsible for a Japanese foreign minister to make such remarks. One can't help question the real motive of the Japanese Foreign Minister to foment a groundless argument of China's threat at such a moment.

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