Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Jianchao's Remarks on the Final Verdict of the Supreme Court of Japan on Nishi Matsu Construction Reparation Litigation
2007-04-29 00:00

Q: On April 27, the Supreme Court of Japan issued the final verdict on the Nishi Matsu Construction reparation litigation filed by the victimized Chinese labors during the Japanese Aggression War against China, deciding that the Chinese Government has waived in the China-Japan Joint Statement the claim for war reparations including its citizens' right for reparation claims. This is a unilateral judicial interpretation made by Japan's highest judicial authority on Chinese Government's waiving of the claim. What is your comment?

A: The Chinese Government declared to waive the claim of war reparation in the China-Japan Joint Statement, which is a political decision for the benefit of friendly relations between the two peoples. We express strong opposition to the unbridled interpretation on this clause by the Supreme Court of Japan regardless of China's repeated solemn representation.

Japan's Supreme Court's interpretation of the China-Japan Joint Statement is illegal and null. We have requested the Japanese Government to treat seriously our concern and properly handle the issue.

The conscription of the forced and enslaved labour is a grave crime committed by Japanese militarism against the Chinese people. It is also an existing major human rights issue yet to be properly addressed. China has requested Japan to properly handle relevant issues in an attitude responsible for history.

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