Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang's Comment on the UNGA General Committee's Rejection of the Motion on Taiwan's "Participation" in the UN
2006-09-13 00:00

On the early morning of September 13 Beijing time, the General Committee of the 61st session of the United Nations General Assembly rejected to place on the General Assembly's agenda the two motions on the so-called Taiwan's "participation" in the UN and "peace across Taiwan Straits". This is the 14th time that the General Committee has rejected similar motions since 1993.

It once again testifies to the unpopularity of all acts that contravene the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, violate the Resolution 2758 of the General Assembly and challenge the one China principle.

We urge the Taiwan authority and a handful of countries maneuvered by it to follow the trend of history and stop all activities aimed to split China.

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