Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Kong Quan's Press Conference on 27 October 2005
2005-10-27 00:00


On the afternoon of October 27, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan held a regular press conference.


Kong: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I have no statement to make and will be glad to answer your questions now.


Q: The US trade representative expressed concern over China's failure to fulfill its WTO obligation on combating piracy. What comment does China have?


A: China has discussed with the US and other countries on many occasions on intellectual property rights protection. The Chinese Government attaches great importance to the IPR protection, which is not only a commitment made by China at its accession to WTO, but also necessary to accelerate economic and social development. It has been a clear position of us that competent authorities will respond to piracy or individual IPR violation cases according to law. Meanwhile, IPR protection, as a global question, requires joint efforts of the international community. We are ready to step up cooperation with other countries, including the US in the field.


Q: Bird flu infection has been reported lately in Chinese Inner Mongolia, Anhui and Hunan Provinces. Are there any death tolls due to bird flu infection? What measures will the Chinese Government take in response?


A: Thank you for your keen interest in the issue. The international community follows closely the spread of bird flu in Asia, Europe and North America rather than merely in China. This morning, a number of news agencies called in to ask about whether a girl died of bird flu in Hunan. I asked the Ministry of Health about the question an hour ago, and I was told that they had not yet received any report on human death caused by bird flu.


Premier Wen Jiabao briefed the presson the measures taken by the Chinese Government in Moscow yesterday. Minister Gao Qiang also made a thorough briefing at the World Health Conference on Influenza in Ottawa. Our government has taken the following major measures: first, large-scale culling on the poultries in the bird flu-infected region; second, strict quarantine measures and extensive vaccination; third, preventive measures against human infection; fourth, close cooperation with international organizations and prompt advising.

    Incidentally, I'd like to inform you that the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant authorities will hold a special briefing at the Information Office of the State Council, to provide you with detailed information on the bird flu epidemic in China and our measures, experience and cooperation with international organizations. You are welcome to attend the briefing.


Q: Recently, Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi has repeatedly defended his visit to the Yasukuni Shrine and claimed that he attached importance to Japan's relations with China. What is your comment?


A: China is not responsible for the difficult situation of China-Japan relations. There has always been a rightist force in Japan that attempted to whitewash the aggression war wage by Japanese militarists and refused to recognize the crime of aggression. What they did severely hurt the feeling of the people in the victimized Asian countries and violated the principles of the three political documents between China and Japan. As the leader of Japanese Government, Prime Minister Koizumi's successive homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, where class A war criminals of World War are worshiped, has undermined the political foundation of China-Japan relations. Bearing in mind the overall interest of China-Japan friendship and the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, the Chinese side has worked on the Japanese side on many occasions in the spirit of "taking history as a mirror and looking into the future", in hopes that Prime Minister Koizumi would make a correct political decision on the issue with an attitude responsible for history, for the people and for the overall situation of China-Japan relations. But Prime Minister Koizumi still went his own way, setting serious obstacle for the normal development of China-Japan relations. We hope that the Japanese side will come to realize the gravity of the matter, honor its commitment to remorse on the aggression war with faithful act and refrain from taking further actions that will hurt the feeling of the Chinese people. Only by so doing, can it win trust from its neighboring countries in Asia and the international community.


Q: It is reported that a Hunan girl died of bird flu. How is the investigation going on? Have you taken quarantine measures at the village? Second question, yesterday, Ambassador Wang Guangya made a principled statement on China's opposition to sanction over Syria. Why does China oppose to such sanction?


A: An hour ago, I checked with the Ministry of Health on the question again. Up to this stage, they have not received such a report yet. Again I advise you to attend the news conference at the State Council Information Office tomorrow, when you may raise all the questions on bird flu that you are interested in. But one thing that you can believe is the Chinese Government has always taken a responsible attitude since the outbreak of the bird flu, adopted resolute measures in the infected area and inform the international organizations of the epidemic situation. All of this is highly transparent. We are fully confident in checking further spread of bird flu.


Yesterday afternoon, some countries put forward a draft resolution on Syria, over which China is making serious study. We are keeping contact and consultation with other parties. We attach high importance to the report submitted by Mr. Mehlis. China support the IIIC in its further work to find out the truth as early as possible and all parties should cooperate to this end. We believe the action by the Security Council should help attain the objective.


Q: President Hu Jintao is going to visit the DPRK. What message will China bring forward? What's the focus of the visit?


A: General Secretary Hu Jintao will pay an official and good-will visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the capacity of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President of China. The main purpose of his visit is to make an in-depth exchange of views with the DPRK leaders on further cementing the traditional friendship between our two parties and two nations as well as expanding cooperation under the new historical conditions. The visit is also aimed to develop exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields and jointly maintain the peace and stability of the region. The International Department of the CPC Central Committee will make prompt briefing to the press on the details after the visit.


Q: When will the next round of the Six-Party Talks begin?


A: The parties to the fourth round of the Six-Party Talks agreed to start in early November. Now it seems that all parties concerned have no difficulties on holding the talks as scheduled. But the date has not been finally decided yet. The Chinese side is making close consultation with other parties and we will set and announce the date in due course.


Q: What comment on the successful acquisition of the Petro Khazakstan by CNPC?


A: We have always taken a positive attitude towards the energy cooperation between Chinese energy enterprises and other countries, including neighboring countries, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. I do not know about the business operation of the particular company.


Q: The Kazakh Parliament has passed a law against the acquisition of Kazakh energy companies by foreign enterprises. Have the governments of China and of Kazakhstan or the CNPC and the Kazakh Government thoroughly resolved the relevant issue?


A: The matter you talked about falls within the domestic affairs of Kazakhstan. Both the Chinese and Kazakh Governments have supported the development of energy cooperation between the energy enterprises of the two countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. It is in the interest of common development and prosperity.


Q: China and Japan have planned to hold the next round of consultation on the East China Sea within October. But the date of consultation is yet to be set. Is this because of Prime Minister Koizumi's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine? The CNOOC is continuing their exploration of oil and gas field in the East China Sea. Can you tell us how the exploration fares?


A: I have no new information to offer on the date of the new round of consultation on the East China Sea.


On the oil and gas exploration in the East China Sea, China's position is quite clear. Article 77 of the UN Convention on the Law of Sea stipulates that the littoral countries are entitled to exercise sovereign rights over the continental shelf for the purpose of surveying and exploring natural resources. China's oil and gas field exploration takes place in the waters near China's coast, where we have no dispute with the Chinese side, and thus is a normal activity of exercising sovereignty. China has made this position clear with necessary explanation to the Japanese side at last round of consultation.


Q: Apart from the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-il, who else will President Hu Jintao meet with?


A: During the visit of General Secretary Hu Jintao, he will make in-depth exchanges of views with the leaders of the WPK and DPRK on the relations between the two parties and two countries as well as regional and international issues of common interest.


Q:North Korea set up new conditions for the Six-Party talks, including a nuclear reactor and the withdrawal of the US army from the Korean Peninsula. What is your comment?


A: Relevant parties have exchanged preliminary views of many issues during the last round of the Six-Party Talks. It is imperative for us to make concerted efforts and make active preparation for the implementation of the principles and consensus enshrined in the joint statement issued on last round of talks. Relevant parties should press ahead along the path defined by the statement and try to obtain positive results out of the new round of talks, including addressing the concerns you raised. We can see from the fourth point of the joint statement that all six parties are committed to lasting peace and stability in Northeast Asia and agree to explore ways to strengthen cooperation for a secure Northeast Asia. Parties directly concerned will also have separate negotiations on establishing a mechanism of lasting peace for the Korean Peninsula.


Q: On President Hu Jintao's visit to the DPRK, can you give us some details of his schedule for tomorrow? When will he set off? Last week, a series of Sino-Japanese culture activities were canceled. Can you tell us why? Are there more activities of the kind to be canceled?


A: I do not have any further details for President Hu's schedule for his visit to the DPRK starting tomorrow.

Let me make it clear that we always support various exchanges between China and Japan, including people-to-people exchanges. I hope the Japan can contribute more to enhance friendship and trust between the two peoples instead of doing in reverse.



Q: Will Ambassador Li Bin visit Japan and Russia after his trip to the DPRK, the US and the ROK?


A: Ambassador Li Bin has visited DPRK. During his visit to the US, he met with Mr. Hill, the US head of delegation to the Six Party Talks and other officials of other governmental agencies there. He will also visit the ROK. We maintain close contact with other five parties to make preparations for the next round of Six Party Talks and implement the consensus reached at last round of Talks.


Q: Could you brief us on the meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and the Indian Foreign Minister?


A: Premier Wen Jiabao met with the Foreign Minister Singh of your country on the sidelines of the Prime Ministers Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The atmosphere of the meeting was sincere and friendly. Premier Wen Jiabao said that the Sino-Indian relations is currently on a good level of development and enjoys a good momentum for development. All these have not come by easily and deserve to be cherished by both sides. In particular, the special envoys of both countries on border issue have met many times and have achieved positive progress and a series of consensus, which are being fully implemented. Premier Wen Jiabao stressed that China and India are good neighbors and friends. The Strategic Cooperation Partnership between the two countries oriented towards peace and prosperity is significant to people in both countries, in the region and to the international community. Foreign Minister Singh said that the Indian side is ready to work with the Chinese side to continuously expand and deepen the friendly cooperation between the two countries in various fields.


Q: President Hu Jintao will be visiting Vietnam shortly. What is your comment and expectation on the development of Sino-Vietnamese relations?

A: General Secretary Hu Jintao will pay an official and good-will visit to your country from October 31st to November 2nd. During his visit, he will hold discussions with General Secretary Nong Duck Manh and President Tran Duck Long. The topics of their discussions will cover a broad range, including relations between the two parties and countries and other international and regional issues of common interest. In addition, General Secretary Hu will also meet with other state leaders and parliamentary leaders of Vietnam. We are satisfied with the sound momentum of overall development between China and Vietnam. We think that the 16-Chinese-character guideline of "Long Term Stability, Orienting towards the Future, Good-neighbor and friendship, Full Cooperation" are being further implemented. We are convinced that continuously consolidating and strengthening the relations of good-neighborly and friendly cooperation between China and Vietnam serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples. We hope this visit will further implement the important consensus reached by leaders of both countries, strengthen the political mutual trust between the two countries and deepen our pragmatic cooperation so as to continuously open up new vistas for bilateral relations.


Q: I want to ask about the avian flu issue in Hunan Province again. You mentioned earlier that you contacted with the Ministry of Health an hour ago. Did you also contact with the Ministry of Agriculture? What do they have to say on this issue? What are their functions on the prevention and control of avian flu?


A: The Ministry of Agriculture is charge of the avian flu issue. When it comes to human infection, the Ministry of Health is the authority to release relevant information. There is a joint meeting mechanism among the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine on combating avian flu in China. You may raise your questions to officials in charge from those authorities on the press conference to be held by the Information Office of the State Council tomorrow, and you will be able to get accurate answers.


Q: I have two questions. You mentioned earlier the specific time of Russian Prime Minister's visit to China. Could you brief us on his overall agenda? Would the two sides discuss economic issues? Second question, is President Hu Jintao or other Chinese officials going to discuss the bilateral cooperation with the Russian side during APEC meetings?


A: Prime Minister Fradkov will visit China from November 3rd to 4th. The main purpose of the visit is to attend the 10th scheduled meeting between Prime Ministers of China and Russia. The main agenda of this meeting is to summarize the achievements in various fields in the past 10 years since the mechanism of scheduled meeting between prime ministers of China and Russia was established, and in particular, to examine the implementation of the agreements reached on the 9th scheduled meeting and the Implementation Program of the Treaty of the Good-neighborly and Friendly Cooperation between China and Russia. During the meeting, both sides would also have in-depth exchanges of views on bilateral relations as well as important international and regional issues. They will certainly discuss economic issues you mentioned, as developing mutual-beneficial cooperation on economy and trade is an extremely important part of the Strategic Partnership of Cooperation between China and Russia. In 2004, bilateral trade volume amounted to more than US$20 billion, which was a marvelous achievement. We both believe that of both economies, the trade volume is lagging far behind the potentials, the solid foundation and development prospect. Therefore, I believe that during the scheduled meeting both prime ministers and officials in charge from relevant authorities of both sides will exchange views in an in-depth manner on how to further exploiting the bilateral cooperation channels, expanding cooperation fields and materializing the common development and prosperity of both sides.


Second, on the APEC meetings, China and Russia have always maintained close dialogue, consultations and cooperation on regional and important international issues. We will do the same with APEC. We look forward to maintaining close consultations and coordination with the Russia during the APEC meetings to press ahead with the APEC process, and to work together for the active achievements in the regional economic development, including the facilitation of the trade and investment in the region.


Q: Chief Executive Donald Tsang of the Hong Kong SAR is visiting Washington now. He will meet some of the US Congressmen. Some of the US congressmen and senators accused that Hong Kong of restricting citizens' freedom, saying that Hong Kong was slow on the issue of suffrage. What comments do you have on their criticisms?


A: Recently, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region released its 5th report on the reform of political system. The blue print proposed by the report was made on the basis of broad solicitation of the views of the Hong Kong people in all walks of life. It was in line with the basic law and relevant interpretations and decisions by the National People's Congress. It follows the principle of "advance gradually in due order and balanced participation" and serves the actual situation in Hong Kong. Therefore I hope that in their contact with Chief Executive Donald Tsang, these congressmen could have a full understanding on the reality of Hong Kong, and objectively recognizing that Hong Kong is continuously developing and advancing.


If there are no more questions, I wish to brief you on the meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and the Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz on the sidelines of the SCO meetings. On last press conference a reporter asked about the meeting between Premier Wen Jiabao and Prime Minister Aziz, I would like to take this chance to give you a brief introduction. Premier Wen Jiabao met with the Prime Minister Aziz in Moscow this morning local time. During the meeting, the two prime ministers exchanged views on further strengthening bilateral relations. In addition, Premier Wen Jiabao also extended his solicitude to Prime Minister Aziz once again on the enormous human casualty by the Pakistan earthquake. He said that the peoples of China and Pakistan shared fraternal sentiments, and that China provided assistance to the Pakistani side immediately after the earthquake. All China's US$ 6.2 assistance, both those in cash and materials has been delivered to Pakistan. Besides, the Chinese Government decided to provide additional US$ 13.8 free assistance to Pakistan. China will also send a medical team and reconstruction evaluation team to Pakistan and positively consider helping the Pakistani side build an earthquake monitoring network according to its need. The Chinese Government and people would make their further efforts to help the Pakistani people to overcome the serious difficulties.


Thanks for your presence today! See you next week. 


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